We provide hope and confidence for the hopeless to smile again

Who We Are

Pillar of Hope is a registered Scottish charitable organisation (SC052720) established to alleviate the sufferings of vulnerable children, families, teenagers, young and old adults because of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship, or other disadvantages in our community. We proactively provide free support services to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people where there are concerns of social, physical, and mental health disadvantages such as poverty, self-neglect, social isolation, loneliness, unkempt living environment, difficulty engaging with services, and evidence that risks are escalating. Being in need comes in many shapes and forms and people face several challenges that take an extensive toll on their physical health, mental well-being, and finances. A vulnerable person’s life can be completely changed in a short time, in such a way that may quicken their hospitalization or move into care homes if unabated.

We provide hope and confidence for the hopeless to smile again

Our Mission

To contribute towards a society where anyone dealing with social isolation, long- term health conditions, and the impacts of poverty can have a sense of belonging; and feel supported, heard, and understood.

To provide ongoing relief support for young people and adults seeking help to cope with social, emotional, or mental health challenges.

We provide hope and confidence for the hopeless to smile again

Our Vision

To provide support, empower, and enlighten vulnerable young people, and adults ensuring that no one faces the challenges of mental health and wellbeing alone. A world where no one is ever too unwell, too poor, or too old to make friends and enjoy social interactions.

Our vision is both a privilege and a responsibility we take very seriously.